Standard Arabic Phrases and Expressions
- Posted by Shehab Albalooshi
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The Arabic phrases below are in Modern Standard Arabic. Click here for the Gulf Arabic version.
Table of Contents
Modern language-teaching methods highlight the importance of using collocations and language chunks, thereby giving students a practical sense of the language and embedding new words in a meaningful context. The Arabic language is not very different, especially since Modern Standard Arabic can seem artificial as it has been removed from everyday speech for over a millennium.
Arabic students at all levels can benefit from a phrase book, and so here we have compiled a list of basic Arabic phrases and expressions. The list is organised by topic and each basic Arabic phrase is presented with transliteration and audio pronunciation. We will be updating the list periodically.
Before you begin, you might benefit from taking a look at the transliteration guide.
Greetings and Related Arabic Phrases
Much like English, the Arabic language has a myriad expressions marking the seemingly countless, cultural occasions. Which is why, a basic Arabic phrase like ‘hello’ may vary from region to region, but since this list is in Modern Standard Arabic, these phrases should be understood by everyone no matter where you are in the Arabic-speaking world.
Good morning
Sa-baa-H al khair
صباح الخير
Good evening
ma-saa. al khair
مساء الخير
Good night
lai-la sa-'ee-da
ليلة سعيدة
How are you?
kai-fa Haa-lu-ka (m)
kai-fa Haa-lu-ki (f)
كيف حالك؟
I am fine, and you?
a-na bi-khair, wa an-ta (m)
a-na bi-khair, wa an-ti (f)
انا بخير، وانت؟
What is your name?
ma is-muka (m)
ma is-mu-ki (f)
ما اسمك؟
My name is Michael
is-mi mai-kul
اسمي مايكل
Where are you from?
min ai-na an-ta (m)
min ai-na an-ti (f)
من اين انت؟
I am from France
a-na min fa-ran-sa
انا من فرنسا
Pleased to meet you
Sa-'it-tu bi-li-qaa-ika (m)
Sa-'it-tu bi-li-qaa-iki (f)
سعدت بلقائك
i-la al li-qaa.
إلى اللقاء
See you later
a-raa-ka laa-Hi-qan (m)
a-raa-ki laa-Hi-qan (f)
اراك لاحقا
See you tomorrow
a-raa-ka gha-dan (m)
a-raa-ki gha-dan (f)
اراك غدا
Good luck
Hadth-an sa-'ee-dan
حظا سعيدا
Have a nice day
a-ta-man-na la-ka yaw-man sa-'ee-dan (m)
a-ta-man-na la-ki yaw-man sa-'ee-dan (f)
اتمنى لك يوما سعيدا
Basic Phrases Whilst Travelling
Have you ever found yourself stuck at the airport on your way to an Arab country without an English speaker in sight. Al though that scenario is highly unlikely today, you might still find the following list of Arabic phrases useful in case you want to strike up a conversation with an Arabic speaker, getting through customs or asking for help, whilst travelling in the Arabic world.
Where are you travelling?
i-la ai-na tu-saa-fir (m)
i-la ai-na tu-saa-fi-reen (f)
الى اين تسافر؟
الى اين تسافرين؟
Have you been to this airport before?
hal zur-ta ha-tha al ma-Taar min qabl (m)?
hal zur-ti ha-tha al ma-Taar min qabl (f)?
هل زرت هذا المطار من قبل؟
I lost my luggage
a-DHa'-Tu Ha-qaa-ibi
اضعت حقائبي
Excuse me, where is the bathroom?
al ma'-thi-ra ai-na al Ham-maam
المعذرة، اين الحمام؟
Where is the currency exchange?
ai-na mak-tab as-Sarf
اين مكتب الصرف؟
Yes, I have a ticket
na-'am la-day-ya tath-ki-ra
نعم، لدي تذكرة
No, I don't have a visa
laa, lai-sat la-dai-ya ta.-shee-ra
لا، ليست لدي تأشيرة
I have a residence permit
la-dai-ya i-qaa-ma
لدي إقامة
My flight is late
ta-akh-kha-rat riH-la-ti
تأخرت رحلتي
I am waiting for someone
an-ta-dthi-ru a-Had
انتظر احد
Have we met before?
hal il-ta-qai-na min qabl?
هل إلتقينا من قبل؟
What is the departure time?
ma-ta waqt al iq-laa'
متى وقت الإقلاع؟
When does boarding begin?
ma-ta yab-da. as-Su-'ood
متى يبدأ الصعود؟
I missed my flight
fa-tat-ni at-Tai-yaa-ra
فاتتني الطيارة
I want to buy a ticket, if possible
u-reed shi-raa. tath-ki-ra in am-kan
اريد شراء تذكرة، إن امكن
I am tired of waiting
ta-'ib-tu min al in-ti-dthaar.
تعبت من الإنتظار
Safe trip
bis sa-laa-ma
Arabic Phrases Whilst Dining
You are quite lucky that in the Arab world, people are not as pedantic about their eating habits. In a cosmopolitan city, you will find food from all over the world and people adopting whatever temporary culture and etiquette most appropriate for the type of food and occasion. Even in a traditional Arabic restaurant, it is quite a rarity for people to sit on the floor and eat with their hands, and even more so, you may never find a waiter who fails to take your order in English. Nevertheless, here is a handful of Arabic phrases to help you order your first meal in Arabic.
Can we meet at the restaurant?
hal yum-ki-nu-na al il-ti-qaa. bil maT-'am
هل يمكننا الإلتقاء بالمطعم؟
It is just my friend and I
a-na wa Sa-dee-qi fa-qaT
انا وصديقي فقط
May I see the menu?
hal yum-ki-nu-ni ru.-yat al qaa-i-ma
هل يمكنني رؤية القائمة؟
Do you have a wine list?
hal la-dai-kum qaa-i-mat na-beeth
هل لديكم قائمة نبيذ؟
The food needs a little salt
yaH-taaj at-Ta-'aam i-la al qa-leel min al milH
يحتاج الطعام إلى القليل من الملح
The soup is hot
al Ha-saa. saa-khin
الحساء ساخن
Can I have some water, please?
hal lee ba'DH al maa. min faDH-lik
هل لي بعض الماء من فضلك؟
The food was delicious
kaa-na at-Ta-'aa-mu la-thee-than
كان الطعام لذيذا
Can I pay by card?
yum-ki-nu-ni ad-daf' bil bi-Taa-qa
يمكنني الدفع بالبطاقة؟
Yes, please
na-'am min faDH-lik
نعم، من فضلك
No, thank you
laa shuk-ran
لا، شكرا
I will take the train home
sa-ar-kab al qi-Taar i-la al bait
ساركب القطار إلى البيت
I had a great time
is-tam-ta't bil waqt ka-thee-ran
استمتعت بالوقت كثيرا
See you next week
a-ra-ka al is-buu' al qaa-dim (m)
a-ra-ki al is-buu' al qaa-dim (f)
اراك الاسبوع القادم
Basic Phrases for the Hospital
May I see the doctor?
hal yum-ki-nu-ni ru.-yat at-Ta-beeb
هل يمكنني رؤية الطبيب؟
What do you suffer from?
min ma-tha tu-'aa-ni
من ماذا تعاني؟
I feel a little nauseous
ash-'u-ru bil qal-eel min al ghuth-yaan
اشعر بالقليل من الغثيان
I think I have a fever
a'-ta-qi-du an-na-ni mu-Saab bil Hum-ma
اعتقد انني مصاب بالحمى
I am not sure
las-tu mu-ta-ak-ki-dan
لست متاكدا
Do you have your ID?
hal la-dai-ka ha-wi-ya
هل لديك الهوية؟
Yes, I have it
na-'am la-dai
نعم لدي
Do you have insurance?
hal la-dai-ka ta.-meen
هل لديك تامين؟
I have travel insurance
la-dai-ya ta.-meen sa-far
لدي تامين سفر
No problem
la mush-ki-la
لا مشكلة
You can wait inside
yum-ki-nu-ka al in-ti-dthaar bid-daa-khil
يمكنك الإنتظار بالداخل
Arabic Phrases for the Cinema
What would you (f) like to see?
ma-tha tu-ree-deen an tu-shaa-hi-deen
ماذا تريدين أن تشاهدين؟
I heard there is a new Tarantino film
sa-mi'-tu an-na hu-naak fil-man ja-dee-dan min ikh-raaj ta-ran-ti-no
سمعت أن هناك فيلما جديدا من اخراج تارانتينو
Have you watched the trailer?
hal sha-had-ta al maq-Ta' al tash-wee-qi
هل شاهدت المقطع التشويقي؟
It looked great
ba-da ra-i-'an
بدى رائعا
Hi! Can I have two tickets please?
mar-Ha-ban tath-ki-ra-tain min faDH-lik
مرحبا! تذكرتين من فضلك
Let us get some popcorn
li-nash-ta-ri ba'DH al fu-shaar
دعنى نشتري بعض الفشار
Let us hurry
I would like to see the trailers
a-wad-du mu-sha-ha-dat al ma-qaa-Ti' at-tash-wi-qi-ya
اود مشاهدة المقاطع التشويقية
We will be updating this list periodically. You can download the Arabic alphabet chart and transliteration guide here. If you find yourself still perplexed about how to learn Arabic, you may find some solace in our guide on the subject. You can follow us on Instagram, as we frequently update our website with new articles, lessons and courses. We would also appreciate your feedback in the comments section below.
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